I really like the look of a white, untouched canvas for some reason. Sometime I won't be able to resist, and just hang one on a wall instead of painting it... Not this one though! This one will become very green
### Latest WIP ###
26 wip1.jpg

The nation in this corner of the world was founded by settlers from Nahadua. They declared independence and were granted it peacefully, as these new lands seemed to have poor circumstances for cheese, with no indigenous animals that gave good milk, and as such where deemed quite worthless. But it didn't take long before the settlers explored further north, and beyond the highlands found vast herds of great, wooly beasts – herbivorous, docile and very milkable – followed around the northern plains by nomadic tribes of native humans, who lived in symbiosis with these walking factories of raw cheese material. The cities on the south of the new land established trade with the natives, and soon became a small but highly regarded exporter of some of the most piquant cheese in the Mareus Kase region.