I'm just beginning this... And you guys have been doing a lot in a short time as it appears. I'll certainly read all those posts a bit later. I just discover the new archipelago close to my land... (welcome to my new neighbour Vorro!).

So, I'll present you the coastlines of Janantara Elubor "The lands of the Great Communities of the Nantar". Its a big and mostl cold and wild lands. The Nanta are united by a common culture and a common faith, but they have formed a loosely alliance of communities. Faith, social relationships and technology are very important. They are developing machines with coal and magic.
"Our lands are cold, but our hearts are warm". The Nantar are traders, seafarers, fishermen, largely present on the two seas and the nordic ocean. They "dream" of a future where they would be able to fly in machines and therefore discover the southern lands beyond the high mountains, and maybe reach the moon. They worship the moon goddess, mother of the seas and skies, guiding the traveller with her daughters, the stars.

I'm working at double size, but the post is real size.

Every suggestion and comment very welcome!