I've chosen to go an East Asian inspired route and honor my (half) Chinese ancestors. The territory is called Wuqiong, and in our world (based on latitudes) it would stretch from about the south of Vietnam to mid-Mongolia.

The south is dominated by harsh jungles and pirates, mystical forests in the center and rugged plains to the north, cut off from the rest of the continent by its mountain range. Haven't been able to read too far in depth in everyone else's stuff yet, but I'm thinking the pirates take advantage of the death cults and volcanoes in the south as well as the zombies from Cocarne which tend to keep authorities away from the area. And the city centers definitely take advantage of Losnivanian tea and wool to the east, as well as Gorgomothan exports to the southeast, since the Wuqionese tend to not venture too deeply into their own jungles.

Gonna go an illustrative map, still working everything out first though. I haven't gone too deeply into names and mythology but I've gotten some stuff done.


The North: Tribe eat tribe, where the strongest survive. If you can't make it in the horselands, perhaps you will find hope in the desert.

Central: The collection of trade cities has been ruled by the Qian Dynasty for a millenium, and they grasp their power strongly, not that others haven't tried to usurp them.

Mountains: A rough life, in the wilds or in the monasteries, which produce powerful thinkers and mages.

The South: If the jungle doesn't eat you, someone else will. The land is full of dark cults with dark magic. Maybe a passing Pirate will pick you up, if you can escape the jungle.