From my customary Mapping table:

### LATEST WIP ###
Ryneath Outline.JPG

Unfortunately couldn't get good natural light at 8pm, so it's a little unclear, I just wanted a starting image.
It's looking like it'll be jungly, so that'll be a new challenge.
Running over some cultures, mostly 'why is it still independent?'
  • Magical Concealment (Cheese hating Guerillas?)
  • Some sort of neutral meeting place for those involved in cheese wars
  • A 'cuba for hire' if that makes any sense
  • It's not.
  • Literally nothing of interest (cheesewise or otherwise)

I looked up how much 130 miles actually is, and I panicked because I put radius instead of diameter.
Off to go put in ridgelines and make the coast less 'blobby'