Quote Originally Posted by jshoer View Post
At first, I was just approaching this project as something I'd have to crack out quickly. (As I do cartography on the side from my day job, usually my projects happen at a very leisurely pace!) I figured that would make the map of Maucland quite difficult, and I decided to just take a basic approach. But the more I do, the more I am enjoying diving into this, and the more I want to experiment.
Same. That's one of the reasons it's so enjoyable I think. I find that I have no self imposed expectations from this map project other than enjoying myself.

Adruc can be anagrammed to Dracu, that's halfway to a vampire! I only notice because I went through a game where one of the NPC's was named Ardoc, and our nemisis was named Draco and nobody even realized the anagram till halfway through the story and she'd murdered half the party through what we thought was idiocy and incompetence by then. Ah good times. Now of course the form sticks in my mind.

Very clean line work, it must take quite a bit a of planning to not screw up. I know that by this point I'd have labels crossing lines and mountains that melded into rivers. Good job.