Quote Originally Posted by Azelor View Post
I think we are using similar inspirations, especially for the clouds (I'm still working on these), and I have to say that I love the general art style. It will be interesting to see how both maps will turn out once finished.
Thanks, I really like your mountains too, didn't even think to use those ones. But I do like how they're smaller on yours, makes the land feel so much bigger. I think between the huge mountains and cities on mine it makes it look pretty small compared to the other countries. But it's more of an illustrative thing so it doesn't bug me too much.

Quote Originally Posted by Diamond View Post
I hear ya about text legibility. What is that original font you used, anyway? It's awesome.
Yeah, I'm thinking of still incorporating the old font in places, but I'll decide once more of the map is done. The original font is Zenzai Itacha, I just got it from dafont, been wanting to use it for a while.

Quote Originally Posted by Tom View Post
A W E S O M E ! You barely started this map, and I already love it! the "inked" lineart, the clouds, the font and everything, they all create an unique oriental feeling!
Thanks! Got some ink brushes and like how they turned out, I'm gonna try to make them bleed into the paper a bit later once I start to add the color.