This is the final map of the northern Muna peninsula, first of a set of eight maps I plan on making.

This whole project started with a pixel art map not unlike this one (can be seen here). I posted that map on reddit and it got a lot of feedback, especially regarding how similar it looks to europe. So I set out to make a more realistic world.

I made many versions of the world until I finally made one I was happy with. After that I began the very laborious task of hand drawing the contours of the region, then importing them on a gis software to be able to reproject them, outputting a set of projections I was comfortable with and finally, coming back to a pixel art map, which is below.

Map 4.png

The map itself took me around 4 days to make. The whole process, around 4 months.

I plan on adding cities and other labels once I finish the conlang I'm working on, which is likely to take another 4 months or so. So for all intents and purposes, this map is finished.