Hello! I and a couple of friends are putting together an online game and we need a map of the city most of the game will take place in. The game combines some elements of Victorian-era city design with a mostly fantasy setting. As it is an art commission we are expecting to pay around $30-$40ish for it though we'd be more than happy to discuss rates in detail. The city is divided into six districts, with a seventh district in the middle, and with each district having a grove with a huge tree in the centre. The surrounding six districts are populated with homes while the centre district houses two huge halls and four tower structures. A river runs through the middle of the city horizontally and the two halves are connected by several bridges. We want the map to be useful and to look nice, but we don't need it so intricately detailed that each and every little side road and alley is visible. We do have prototypes for a visual idea of what we want, but they aren't all that great - if they were, we wouldn't need to commission a map.

Timing is a fairly important factor, as we'd like the map ready to go in about two weeks.

We don't intend to make any money off the map whatsoever and would be perfectly happy to let the creator use it for his or own purposes as well if they choose.

If interested please send us an email at amandanmarmods --+at+-- gmail --+dot+-- com. Thank you very much for your time and consideration!