Quote Originally Posted by Mouse View Post
Hey Neyjour!

Nice of you to drop by... and I still haven't built that tavern, but welcome to the Merelan City construction site!

The water is just four layers with different extents of the same rather lovely Herwin Wielink sea texture on them, differentiated by HSL settings. They all have a hefty edge fade on them, which gives the coastal water that all-important transparency. That it worked so well is one of those mysterious accidents I seem to keep having... (like falling in the proverbial pool yesterday!)

I've been avoiding having to start on the island by polising all the details around it for some time. The marsh is one of my favourite places to dawdle, so its much more polished than anything else. LOL Its really just two layers - one of moss, and one of long grass with exactly the same objects, but with an edge fade to the middle of each object on the long grass layer. Not sure how that would translate to Photoshop speak, but what it does is it makes the long grass appear only around the edge of each shape, so that the water ways seem to be lined with long grass.

Anyway. Its taken me an inordinately long time to get this far, so I think you may have to wait quite a while to see the finished thing. I should probably get back to the map and get on with it! LOL

Thank you for your kind words of encouragement. They are much appreciated
You're welcome.

I hope you'll be able to sort out the problems you've been having with your comp and program. It's really upsetting when things like that happen...

I use Feathering in PaintShop Pro for what you call "edge fade". It's a fantastic way to get different textures to blend and transition well with each other. I use it all the time in my maps.