A little bit of a back story here. I've never done a crypt as a stand alone map, I typically put them in things so pointers would help.

The idea -
This is a crypt that belonging to a hero who died thousands of years prior to the events taking place in my home campaign setting. Long story short in typically hero fashion, he did some great deed and his blade is being sought to destroy an evil artifact. Stealing from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, I plan to have guardians, who are his party members guarding each level of the crypt, before they party needs to face him proving themselves worthy to claim the blade....real original stuff right lol.

Anyway the crypt is "lost" in the mountains and actually build directly into the mountains. The main floor has two guardians, along with a false treasure area. there will be two fountains on either side, one helping to trigger the the secret door to level 2.

I just started the layout, and would appreciate some feedback.

Also I'm going to try to be better about posting my WIP step by step (which I'm terrible at doing)

Guirren Villus Crypt Level 1.jpg