Hey all!

I decided to partake in my first challenge here. I wanted a reason to try something new, and Diamond happened to post a new challenge at the same time I logged in to browse some inspirations. Hopefully I take it through. My way of choosing the palette was pretty simple; I kept staring the colors and tried to see a story for a potential map. One palette worked extremely well, and I instantly got motivated with "Harefoot" palette. Here is the breakdown of the story:


Cold colors instantly took me to a northern region where blizzard would be taking the last breath of life out of the land. I started to feel it could be a northern coastline, where we have rocky cliffs and some forests. Instead of seeing a clear region, I got stuck with an idea of a wooden shack that would be badly damaged and started to decay. So I am telling the story of this shack. It's a vacation shack, that was used by one parent and two kids. But I want the world of this shack feel sad and despair-ridden. Inside the shack I saw broken down decorations, and a dead body of a rather modern soldier. Windows are broken, so we have some snow inside. I want a basement that works as a storage so a trapdoor somewhere - an explosion has happened in the middle of the basement, two more dead soldiers. The shack has a small gallery, where kids would sleep.

I want that the death of these soldiers were hopeless, so for now I assume these soldiers came from outer space and landed on a new planet.

TL;DR - interior map of a broken down shack amidst a blizzard. Maybe it would work as an encounter map for some tabletop rpg.

Lets see where I go from here.

- Ilgoth