First off, thank you very much for taking the time to view my request. I really appreciate it. Secondly, this is an unpaid request, and as such, I am perfectly okay with all skill levels using this request as practice, whether you are a beginner or expert.

Basic Info From "Requesting a map? Please read me." Thread
-I am requesting a world map for an upcoming tabletop RPG campaign based in a low sci-fi setting. Basic rundown is that arcane arts are common, but inefficient, but mechana (ancient artifacts that make magic more efficient but weaker) are being excavated out of ancient sites. There's a cold war between a neighboring country, struggles between mechana and arcana users, etc. The technological level is fairly medieval, besides where mechana has been implemented in steampunky kind of ways. A mish-mash of ideas, but it's coming together quite nicely.
-Web quality would be excellent, as it will be given to players that are using computers to run the game over
-Style can be sketched or black and white, though colorized would be excellent.
-Dimensions are unknown, but should be scaled so players can view what they need to view from a full screen PDF or image viewer.
-I would like to have the map completed by mid-January, but late-January is acceptable as well.
-The artist would retain all rights to the piece and may use it for their personal portfolio or commercial purposes. I only request private usage for my game, as well as making minor alterations (such as discoveries in mid game or marking city locations).

The following is a rough outline of how I view the map. Feel free to tweak it as you see fit while keeping the same basic idea:

Celass Rough Map.png

On the rough outline, I described how I view the terrain and climates. This is just to help you decide how to create it, what images to use, or what have you. I would like the climates to blend, as they would in real life; the taiga becomes less rocky and less coniferous, slowly becoming more and more fertile in the middle of the map, to slowly turning into the rain forest and desert. I'm not sure how I would like to see that portrayed, so I am open to options.

I will be adding symbolic icons for cities, landmarks, and other yet-to-be-decided details. I am mainly looking for the base map with some terrain that I can then customize as needed.

As for scale and size, the country would be aprox. 1000x1000 miles. If you can create it to this scale, that would be appreciated. Otherwise I will size a grid to it to correspond to how I need it for the game.

Example Maps I Like

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