This is a WIP of a map I'm doing for my D&D group of an underground Drow city.

The map is carved on a stone tablet affixed on the corridor wall of a tunnel leading into the city.

The view is approximately a cross-section seen from the side of the huge cave with the city buildings within. I'm pretty happy with how it has come along for now but I'm agonizing weather or not to add some details.

For example I'm thinking of adding stylized rays of light from the crystal throughout the cavern but i also rather like the big white space in the middle and I worry it would become more cluttered if I put them in. Also I'm debating if i should add or not more detail to the buildings, as of now they're just an outline similar to how the rooms carved in the inside of the rock are, also it would seem to be excessive work for the worker that carved the map in the rock to also have added details to the buildings in a map used basically for direction purposes.

Anyways I'd be glad for any feedback and advice on this map

(please pardon the bad quality but i don't own an expensive phone or a scanner)

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