LOL...Yeah! She does have that effect on people!

I spent hours pouring over internet tutorials on what Opacity is, what Linear Burn means, what is Color Theory, what adding an Overlay will do. I even tried looking for Photoshop Effects in CC3+ and guess what I found? all the articles on it were either Profantasy saying " Hey look, we added photoshop effects to CC3+", or people complaining that there aren't any photoshop effects in CC3+.

There are virtually no tutorials on how to use photoshop effects in CC3+. There is also no documentation from the company on how to use those effects in the program. They only mention that they added them, not how to use them.

So hopefully I can get better at this sort of thing and come up with easier ways of doing it without using the automatic draw tools in CC3+.

If I do get really good at it then I will write a tutorial on it so everyone can learn how.