So I've been working on this map for the past few weeks, I finally got it almost to the point where I am happy with it. One of my final steps was adding rivers, enter the dreaded Incise Flow tool that so many other people have fought with....

No matter what settings I use it creates a line of craters, very long and narrow craters. The sides are thousands of times higher than anything else in the world, and the centers are equally low. This line runs right down the middle of the map, nearly all the way from top to bottom, with a gap right around the equator. But what is really messing me up is the black voids, they show up as -nan(ind) for both Altitude and Rainfall. The line itself cannot be edited (any editing tool reacts as though you were trying to move it off the edge of the map) it cannot be selected (by the selection tools or by attempting to select an altitude range)
2017-02-25 (2).png

I have tried to export the map, thinking I could edit out the line, however any attempt at exporting ends with Fractural Terrains freezing.

I have tried using the Remap Altitudes tools, but no matter how I tweak the setting it causes the entire map to become a void of -nan(ind)

Global Smooth, Rise, and lower seems to have no effect

Regenerating seems to have no effect

Is there any way to fix this?