I've never started a thread out here in the (big, scary) main forum, so many apologies if I'm doing it wrong.

I happened to run into a fascinating article and I could not think of a better place to mention it. But before I forget to include it, here's the article link:
This Bot Generates A Fantasy World Every Hour by Amelia Urry (www.atlasobscura.com)

In summary, the article talks about a program written by glaciolgist Martin O'Leary called "Uncharted Atlas". It creates a map every hour and posts it to a Twitter feed, here:
@unchartedatlas on Twitter

Now, if you're like me, so far you are underwhelmed because you've seen this kind of thing done before with various levels of underwhelming results. Well, don't judge too quickly, my friend. What makes O'Leary's generator different is that his program utilizes an erosion simulation created with real data. You can really see the difference, in my opinion.

I've included a small sample of what the program has created recently, but I highly recommend that you take a look for yourself. Check out the Twitter link for many, many more maps like these or the article for more on O'Leary and his process. I hope you find it as fascinating as I did.

ua1.jpg ua4.jpg ua5.jpg

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Happy Mapping!