I needed an Egyptian tomb, so I whipped this up.


The layout is modeled closely after that of the tomb of Nefertari, the favorite wife of Rameses II. Hers, however, is gorgeously decorated with intricate wall paintings, and I didn't have that kind of time. Plus getting the perspective right on top-down walls is tough. Fortunately, the scenario I have in mind calls for the tomb's occupant to have been hastily buried in an unfinished tomb, so the lack of decoration actually suits.

I did want some light variation in it, so I stuck in some braziers, which I will be describing to my players as lit using Continual Flame spells.

The shelf in the entry chamber is a place to leave offerings. The side chambers are apparently supposed to represent phases of the journey of the Akh through the Duat during its nightly journey of rebirth. They may also have been used for storage of grave goods, but it's hard to tell in Nefertari's case since the joint was robbed blind thousands of years ago. I haven't decided what to put in them in-game.

Any feedback would be welcome. I'm pretty happy with it over all -- the sand on the floor turned out nicely -- but I need to get it finished up and sent off to the printer, since the game is happening in 13 days.