Hello folks!
A couple weeks ago I started a new D&D campaign as master, and for the second adventure, I thought about a classic: a forest ambush!
I'm pretty sure none of the players read this forum, so ahead with the spoilers!
The players are escorting a circus toward the nearest village, and the road cross a dangerous forest: a powerful witch/sorceress rule over a tribe of goblins that prey the travellers.. Along the road the caravan will be attacked from a pack of goblins, spiders and evil plants (Yes I'm an evil Master) and I thought about making a map of the encounter instead of the same old withe grid with erasers and pencils as obstacles
The map should be formed by 3 pieces of A3 paper (200gr) then plastified.
I make a premise: I made this map in a hurry, using old props I did for other maps, and with a wrong scale (square are 2cm) because I had the idea too late and tomorrow I got to play.. Yesterday I made some printing test at home, and the result was fine, but today when I printed at the store I noticed that obviously (my mistake) the colors were much more warmer
I'm struggling now because I don't know if tomorrow I will have time to go to the print store, and I wanted to plasticize them... However, I made a "fix" toward a blue tone, which I could use in case..
Give me your guesses about the dots, there is no legend

P.s. In the weekend I will post the pictures of the game session, with the prints and the tokens (also made from old props), then if anyone want the files I'm willing to share, now I can only post a resized version of the map, the original is too big.

