This was the map I entered into the May 2017 challenge "Map a dastardly plan". The sub-challenge was to get a Curly Wurly in there somehow Here's the WIP thread.

Dastardly Plan.jpg

I attempted to emulate an atlas style here. It was a steep learning curve. I know some things I need to improve on. For example I don't have any compass roses or scales that I can use and I really could do with learning to do better borders. Actually any borders for that matter. Another thing is the text - GIMP really isn't a DTP package by any stretch so it was a bit of a challenge and what resulted was more a case of FITWiD (polite translation: OK, that'll do) than being satisfied with it. I could also do with learning more about layer masks because I've messed about with them but can't seem to get the result I want. Does anyone know if there's a way to place a layer above others that's transparent right down to the background without just deleting the selected area one layer at a time? I'm probably doing everything inefficiently.

Despite all that though, when I look at what I was doing just a couple of months ago and what I am capable of now I think there's been a huge improvement and it's all thanks to this guild, the support and advice, the encouragement and the great humour

Thanks everyone!