Hello !

Finally, time to throw myself in the Guild World !!!

It's been in a corner of my head for a long time now : a map with fjords !

I took the liberty of redrawing the coastline of the Map A... Since I didn't took more place on the outside of the land that was given by J.Edward, I assume it won't be a problem... If it's not the case, please, let me know, so I can redraw the coastline in its original coast !

Here's the first draft of what I intend to do :

### Latest WIP ###
Northern Maze 01.jpg

For the design of the map, I'll try to approach something like that (not completely, but I like the style of the mountains, and some of the colors... though I think something more cold would be more appropriate) :


Don't hesitate to let me your ideas, observations, or recriminations... As I've just started, everything is wide open !