Pencil on 9x12 drawing paper, then colored in PS

I've been busy with a lot of stuff, not least of which is some health issues [nothing too serious ] but that has kept me from my usual level of activity.
But, I was doing a bunch of sketching lately and whipped out this little fellow.
This is another piece from the world of Nhyn [Haldeshar/Skenara/Trolnarm/etc.], and again we are over in the region of Algarn,
common to the previous pieces Dragon's Roost and the Road to Midgeon.

This time we visit the city of Rognal; a city which has looked out from the foothills of the Gara Tohm mountains since the ancients were young.
The first city south from the Hugar region, it is the last Thuhen city on the road to Fayde.

The oldest section of the city lies at its southern tip and is notable for the fortified citadel of the Children of Gara,
an ancient sect of monks and ponderers of esoteric mysteries.
Also of note is the Tower of Tohm and the nearby Tower of Na'amazel.
All of these structures look down upon the vale of Thima running east of the city.

This southern thrust section is the ancient spiritual heart of the city and contains some of its elder landmarks.
And ironically, some of its best taverns such as the Hall of the Liquid Soul and Libelmugs.

City of Rognal by sirinkman.jpg