Greetings Earthling,

I'm an Earthling too. A highschooler from Idaho, to be precise. To further make me seem more like a guy who has a lot in common with people, I'll just casually state that I have a brain, a nose and two eyes.

What else am I? Well... I like music. In fact, I produce my very own music. I'm also really good at naming things. I use titles like "Track 1" and "Track 2" and so forth. I like the listening part of music as well. I'm an EDM kinda guy.

But what was it that brought me here? Well, well, well; I have three ASCII characters for you: D&D. I was reading some of the hundreds of pages of manuals, and the Cartographer's Guild was mentioned somewhere. So I gave this site and a couple of the tutorials a check. I wanted to join the community so I got one of those "account" things. I'm excited to further explore the vast amount of resources, maps, knowledge, and skill provided here.