Quote Originally Posted by damonjynx View Post
As usual, critique, suggestions and so on always welcome.
These are looking great, Jim

Trying to be cute, aside, I don't really know what to say. They do look great. I'm not a huge fan of the "outer glow" (I assume?) edge on the cave walls, as they look more digital than the rest of the work. But I'm grasping here and a lot boils down to taste. And when your client is happy, why fiddle more? I know it's tempting, but like you say:

These have taken waaay too long for what I'm getting paid but I've now set up a template and I'll set up a 'brush preset library' so that I can produce additional maps consistently and faster, along with negotiating a better pay rate - hopefully...
Hehehe, that sounds very familiar. I recently converted a huge whopping mass of random rooftops I did for a client's city map to a seamless pattern. I never want to do that s*** again! I'd never really bothered to take a close look at the amount of time I put (sink or dump) into a map, but when I finally did ... Ouch XD