Hi Yasha!

First things first: Welcome to the Guild! you couldn't have chosen a more friendly and helpful collection of cartography enthusiasts, hobbyists and professionals to spend your time with. Any questions you have or help you need are only an ask away.

So, whilst i'm a gazillion miles from developing the cultural maps of Aerlaan i would be lying if i said i didn't have a rough idea of who lives there When i'm done mapping (or done "enough") i'll illustrate a character concept for the races for y'all to see.

But essentially the world is home to 4 distinct races with only 3 of those being indigenous.

There are the Urshaani who stand about 8' and look human for the most part but with some notable differences (and NO, NOT pointy ears). Then there are the Tao-Rindor, an imposing muscular reptilian race who are gung-ho crazy on an unwavering obedience their laws to the point that ALL crime is punishable by death (with the severity of the crime determining whether or not it is just the perpetrator that dies or whether family gets executed too or, in the case of treason, EVERYONE that has ever had a relationship of any kind with the guilty party). They are a tough people to get along with. Next we have the Salanna who are somewaht harder to classify as they are, at least partially, plant based and not necersarily physical all of the time, also, asexual or hemaphrodite and, well, no-one really knows HOW to classify them. They kind of keep to themselves but seem gentle and have never had a war that anyone can ever recall.

lastly there are the good old homo sapiens of Aerlaan, commonly referred to as apes by the Urshaani and Lawless Scum by the Tao-Rindor. The Salanna just smile politely and move on.

A detail that has been lost to EVERYONE on Aerlaan is that there was a 5th race in ancient antiquity that is now lost to memory but it is this 5th race that actually created the Tao-Rindor, Salanna and Humans for purposes that are now lost (or so it seems).

This ancient race have not walked on the face of Aerlaan for hundreds of thousands of years but that doesn't mean they don't exist anymore. You asked about the Moons of Shom? Yeah, you might be able to find them there...

CAVEAT: all of the above (like everything else with the building of this world) could (and likely WILL) change as i work through it.

If you want an example of a guildmember who has WAY more development of their world then you should take a read of Pixie's Thread here. VERY INSPIRING!

anyway, that's enough for now and again, WELCOME!