Right! All the inktober drawings I've seen here the past month have convinced me to give Mapvember a go, although I am still sort of dreading the challenge.
I started a day late, so I'm already a bit behind (I won't be able to finish the third one today). I am truly the King of Time Management and Planning

#1 - Goblin
Rather than a map of a goblin camp like I wanted to do first, I decided to do a map made by goblins. This was kind of weird, since that meant not trying too hard to draw something pretty. I'm sure that the "not pretty" part worked out, but I might have given the paper itself a bit more attention. This one didn't take long to do, most of the time went into writing the letter with my left hand XD

#2 - Bandit
This is a bandit lair in an abandoned quarry. This one definitely took me longer than I wanted it to. I enjoyed it so much I got a bit carried away