Yay, another month of full on images !!!!
I just got done with Inktober, which you can see over on DeviantArt.
I still have a few more images to post from that, but why not get into another month long thing.
Well, I am not going to do it so formally though.
I sketch and draw a lot of maps each month. Most no one ever sees.
Little thumbnails and such. I figure I'll show some of those here.
A little behind the curtain show. Grub a mug of liquid gruel and sit back for some sketchy business and random stuff.
[the gruel... was originally meant as a grueling month... but.. a mug of gruel... sounds disgusting. ]

First up was a pic I started last night. It actually was a thumbnail for Mapvember.

Then this little one, which I do intend to make a larger map of at some point.