Quote Originally Posted by torstan View Post

As for the freezing issue, I know that it was an issue with the graphire as well but that you could work around it by going in and editing some of the Gimp files. The other option for the graphire was that you go back to an older driver - which is what I ended up doing. That's probably not an option for the Bamboo. As a result I'd guess that there will certainly be a workaround by now for the Bamboo with Gimp. How painful it is, I don't know.
I have used the Bamboo on two laptops, so I am constantly unplugging the USB tablet. On my old machine, I used to get the freeze ups when lifting the pen from the tablet surface quite often. On my new machine (a more up to date driver), I have seen no such problems. GIMP still "looses" the tablet between runnings of GIMP if I have unplugged it, but even that problem seems to be less than before.