By Azelor
You could draw the glass panels, give the glass some opacity but not too much. The glass could be dirty so we see there is something below but we can't see clearly.
If the glass is clean, you'll have to include something, wooden floor or something.
Thanks for those suggestions! I won't go for opaque glass. Right now, I tried some drawings at half opacity. I guess I'm gonna be able to play on shadings later.

By Warlin
Great style Ilanthar, reminds me one of your previous map. It'll be beautifull with coloration. I'll Keep an eye on this good work.
Thanks, Warlin! I don't remember to do a city map in this style before, so I'm curious to know which map you were thinking about.

Just a tad more. I'm also testing some base colors, it's without shading and additional details. I've picked a color close to the one Falconius chose for the land & cliff.
### Latest WIP ###
Nantara Iendel.jpeg