Quote Originally Posted by Mouse View Post
Wow! That's HUGE city to try and draw in such a short time.

You can do it, though, Greg. I have every faith in you
Thanks Mouse, I think I'll get it done on time if only I don't get too distracted by the Guild discord (plus you know the New Year stuff ).

Quote Originally Posted by ZoraSpringer View Post
I just wanted to say the same - as Mouse, I mean. Also love the outline around it. Gives a very epic feel to it <3 I like, in general. Apart from that these perfectly circular cities always have this very artificial feel to them, but well... I do love the style Btw, Greg, once I've drawn Albengard, I'll send it to you I can guarantee you, it looks nothing like Aldengard xD
Yeah, it'll be great to see how your Albengard compares. Also, I know what you mean about circular cities since next to no city would be planned enough and would build up and stem in all sorts of directions, but it's what the client wanted overall to fit in with the lore and everything so it's circular!

Anyway, another day, another update. Got the middle buildings fleshed out this time and added some more bridges!

Austin City Map Guild Update2.jpg