Hey Guild !

It's a little late in the month, but still time to try a challenge entry, don't you think ?

So, here is the begining of a map concerning that sordid affair between Frel and Floris. The one Quaranshir the Bard put in song a century ago : you probably heard it somewhere (to be honest, I heard it that much in every tavern I went that I just can't stand it anymore ).
You're probably familiar about how the five kingdoms of Floris resisted to the perfid attack of Frel that caught them in the middle with their dragons and their fearsome armies, and how an heroic division of the Kingdom of Merken passed the mountains to avoid the Frelish forces and attacked Tol'Keareth with the support of one unique flying boat, aren't you ? If not, you probably don't spent enough time in taverns or bards gatherings (or you skipped your homeworks too often at school, maybe ?), but that map should help you to understand better how that happens. Probably. Or not.

First steps : Coastline and reliefs.

### Latest WIP ###