Sorry for any errors in my English, Google helped me translate this text

I always liked maps and wordbuilding but never done anything, so as a personal challenge I decided to draw a map, I went through many sketches discarded ( until I got to the current drawing, in lore there is nothing extraordinary in the world or original ideas, even because a lot of it I was creating as I drew it.

I used GIMP, a program I had never used before, and tried to use most of my original drawing features, creating my style for vegetation, rivers and everything else, but the hills I could not do something that pleased me so I used an ordinary brush (downloaded in devianart), and the region of Asan (Mesa Desert) traces I based on the map of Arden ( ).

The format similar to Europe was not purposeful, I believe my subconscious has accidentally drawn a familiar form.

The names, I confess they do not have much logic, I do not even like the distribution or some of them, but I lacked creativity in part of the process and started to use automatic generators (I often used the word form but changed some things)

As this generator has helped me a lot, there is a city named after the page, called City of Emily.

The cartographer's guild on the map refers to an 'inside' of this world, not the real world (this one)

Well! that's it.
