Hi Guild !

Started in January, but took my time for this project I had the opportunity to draw for the author Laura Mair.

Kingkel is an important city in Aetherin, a continent that was cartographied by DanielHasenbos before here.
The city needed to show two distinct areas : the "old town" North of the river, with several poor areas, medieval look, twisted streets, two ranges of old fortifications, etc., and the "new town", South of the river, which is a much modern city with wider and more organized streets and better fortifications. Both are surrounded with a rich country, many fields (and beehives !), etc.
At the begining of the project, we decided to oversize the streets to put names in a second hand, but finally the author changed her mind on that point, so I filled the streets with tiny people instead (you know how I love tiny people ! :p).

Some information :
- Commissionned work for Laura Mair,
- A3 size,
- Created in Photoshop,
- Hand drawn with a Wacom Cintiq Pro 16,
- WIP thread here.


The city itself is done, but we plan to work soon on an extended version with a wide frame all around the town, featuring information about the main buildings, important families, guilds, etc., so the WIP thread will continue later this year

Hope you'll enjoy !

(Confession time : while every building is absolutely unique and hand drawn, I cheated : two or tree boats and some tiny-tiny horses are duplicate : shame on me ! ).