Hi Guild !

I wanted to share with you the first steps of a current commission I'm working on for TheHighlandLoch in my "known universes" serie. This one is pretty different from everything I drew before, and to be honest is almost not a map, more a giant illustration, but upcoming labels, legends and other keys should give a 'map feeling' at the end, so...
So, Dark Souls, or a conceptual map of this universe, based on a sketch provided by the commissionner. The purpose is not to depict something accurate, but more to translate the vision the client keeps from playing the game, so choices are his

Some information :
- A3 map (4961x3508px) (posted previews are 33% of the original size),
- Made in Photoshop CC 2018 with my Cintiq Pro 16,
- Map will be fully colored at the end, with maybe some areas left empty or "misty" at the edges;
- Creature illustrations will be added here and there,

We're at the first steps here : layout organisation + perspective sketch that will be redrawn with details in a second time. Before you ask : the perspective is hand drawn : no 3D help, which was... hum... not easy ^^'
Some areas can look a little more detailed : it's where the client had some very specific needs, so I pushed the sketch a little further to be sure I was about to draw what he wanted exactly

### Latest WIP ###

Hope you'll love it !

I miss so much the so easy perspective of my Kingkel !