Quote Originally Posted by ThomasR View Post
You are about to enter a world of pain ... for our greater pleasure (panem et circenses ). More seriously, doing this without the help of something like Sketchup ... you're a goddess !
I can't jump so fast from giant to goddess, I would not like to upset the cartographic occult powers, and I can't renew my wardrobe that fast !
I'm totally in a world of pain... the client just asked if I could add a family tree with portraits on one of the boxes... 'sure I will but it's another challenge on a really challenging project, so can I just hide myself under the bed ? ^^'

Quote Originally Posted by Weery View Post
Love love love Dark Souls and love love love your work Beee. So I'm pretty optimistic for this map
There's a particularly grim atmosphere in Dark Souls (you die a lot over and over again) and not much is ever explained to the player. It's left for them to figure things out without much hand holding. I wonder if you can incorporate some of that atmosphere into your map. I'm confident you will Thanks for posting!
I hope I will, Weery, but as told before, I'm pretty blind there as I never played the game, and even if I watched a few gameplays, it's not the same ! But thanks to your comment I'll try to go to something darker

By the way, guys, if you have any references to provide about architecture, creatures, etc., I'll take them with gratitude !