Woah, i had real mental breakdown with this one at some point, but with good folks on CG, i made it through

So, the sory behind the map is....

there is none

Ok just kidding. There was time on the guild with a challange when people had to name things with CG members names ? I think it was a challange, but i may be wrong. Anyway i really wanted to make a map with names of people that made huge impact on me when i first cross the gate of CG community. So for me it's like teeny-tiny tribute to those members.
To make things interesting, i took the J.E. idea of messing up with the names a little bit like in his Ward of Chiezbehrg, guild city map. So i hope you will have fun finding your on the map.

Taberan Mear_CG.jpg

Let me know if you could find yourself, so i can confirm it is you (some names are pretty obvious though ).

I am sorry if you could not find your name on the map. The list of great cartographers here on CG is enormous, and it is simply impossible to put you all .