Hey everyone!

Before last Convention, I had to brew up a design for a flying ship of elvish origins lost in time that players can get their hands on for a campaign across 6 books for the Pen-&-Paper-RPG 'The Dark Eye'. I hadn't done concept art for years now (since I studied, actually), so this was a welcomed challenge.

I already knew that I'll turn something like this into a map, too. Concepting this was hard because multiple reasons: I wanted to do a design that is interesting, elegant, recognizable (for strong cover images that players can link together) and most notable, something that wasn't there before. In this long standing world, to my knowledge, there hasn't been a flying ship relevant to the plot (nor seen by anyone for millennia), and this one you can actually get as a player. I'm excited for the epic stories to come.

I hope you like the design, I love it. Later on, I'll add some sketches. =)


(c) Ulisses Spiele GmbH, 2018
Best wishes, Steffen