I have SOOO many half-done maps (though I doubt I'm alone in that!) and I'm determined to get at least a few of them done. I thought I'd start an ongoing thread to work on them. It might shame me into finally finishing.

I've been working on one - Aurelia Isle - this weekend. I was cramming a bit to try and finish today, and it's mostly done, but I don't want to post in Finished Maps just yet, as I think there are a few things I might want to re-work. I started this map about 9 months ago, and I had saved a rough plan. My image had a big box at the top right for... something... I don't remember what now. I decided instead just to make a big ole compass to fill the space, as I have no clue what it was supposed to be, and if I wait for inspiration to strike, it'll probably be another 9 months before I finish...

The other one is a village map that I take out periodically, work on a few things, then put it away again. It's been on the go for several months too. I quite like what I have so far, and I really want to finish this one too. I don't know if the name is final. It's just something I made up and liked the sound of, but it may change.

I have another regional map that's in a fairly advanced state too, but I'll post that one later.

