Hi all!

This is my first attempt at making a dungeon map, all hand drawn using Photoshop (except the text, which is Caeldera). I'm pretty happy with the style, and I'm using this in a few days, so I don't think this map will change too much, but if anyone has any tips about color composition, dungeon building tips, etc, I'd love to hear it for next time. I tried to walk the line between filling it with a ton of assets, and leaving room for myself to add thing to it during the game (and just finishing it in time!). Do you think I hit that balance well?


The map is pretty small (and cramped!) as I am using it as a "get used to the system" like tutorial for a table top game I am starting up. It's the tomb of some ancient rich guy, I'm thinking a dentist or real estate developer.

A wall falling in a local cave recently uncovered a tomb that was previously long-buried under the desert sand. The person interred within wasn't pharaoh rich, but he was buried with some light, entry-level treasure, a few afterlife body guardians, and his boat. They say the only two good days as a boat owner are the day you have it built by slave labor and the day you are buried with it. Guess we'll have to ask him if that's true.

The cave itself is steered clear by locals, as it is rumored to be the home of some monster. Few have returned from exploring the cave, but those who have report that it is filled with lifelike statues of the less lucky adventurers. Weird, probably not related to the monster, I don't know.

Anyways, c&c is appreciated and asked for!