Hey everyone!

This map is a part of a personal writing project and some critique would really help me out. The project itself is a choose your own adventure-like story which I’ve dubbed “TEA,” because at the start I became so engrossed in writing it that the only thing I drank for a week was tea, which ended up causing a caffeine induced panic attack. The area in the map is called Taevra, which comes from my constant misspelling of the project name and the name “Evra” which has historical significance within the world.

I’m hoping for some critiques on the realism of the world’s geographical features (mostly rivers and mountains) and overall shape aesthetics. So far I don’t know what I want in terms of design, but I’m sure I’ll figure it out as I go.

Taevra is not the whole planet, just what the people who live within this isolated section refer to the world as; it consists of seven existing regions and one fallen region. I imagined the marshy islands in the bottom left to be about the size of Ireland. Please ignore the temporary muddy brown:


So far I have a basic idea of the weather and landscape within each region, as well as the cultures, international relations, and history. Here in red you can see where I plan to put the mountain ranges and regions. Sorry if it’s a bit difficult to read at the moment:


I still have a lot to do before I'm anywhere close to done. More to come as I continue work on this map.
Thanks for reading!