Hello everyone!

Sharing this although it's quite an old project. In fact, I just realized that this forum section exists at all!

It started as a personal sculpt for a 15mm wargaming table for my Round of Fire (https://www.wargamevault.com/product...re--Core-Rules) skirmish rules.
I wanted it to look convincing and realistic, but at the same time I wanted to have tiles for quicker games, where measurements can be done by counting rather than by ruler.

That said, I did sculpt and cast individual tiles, gluing them on MDF and then painting it all.





After a while, I realized it would have worked nicely in digital. Due to the small reliefs (including grass tufts) my scanner couldn't manage to produce sharp images, so I used a good camera instead. The four pictures then got merged after some painful Photoshop time to blend the colours of the four squares together.


I test-print it for 15mm games (a 60x60 cm square) and for 28mm games (I chose a 90x90 area, it could be printed at 120 but the details might start to look odd), and put it on WgV for a few dollars too.


C&C welcome, although it's unlikely I'll do something like this in the future, even as a commission.
Shall I post a "finished only" image on the completed maps section too?
