I took a DM class with Laerun at Fantasy Grounds College today and he talked about the maps and images.

This is what he said:

Maps = 2048x2048, jpeg, 1-2 megabytes max file size, 50-60 pixels per inch (square) Maps only
Tokens = PNG format, 100x100, 200x200,300x300 depending on creature size.(edited)
Shareable NPC/Handouts/Photos:, 1000x700 max, jpeg, max file size 1-1.5 MB
Portraits = 100x100 jpeg or png.
Less is more!!!

I should also add that most DM's like their maps to be ungridded because Fantasy Grounds has an overlay that grids. They like these grids better because the tokens will behave automatically with the grids. It is nice to have a scale square they can use to grid on, but trying to match the grid is really difficult and usually ends up more of a mess than helpful.

I usually set my grid to be 100ppi and divide twice to get the 50ppi.

Something my DM likes me to do is to divide the world map into usable sections so there is world view without distorting it too much.

I just thought I would pass this info along. Fantasy Grounds has two discord channels one for the main Fantasy Grounds and another for Fantasy Grounds college. The people that hang out in there are super nice and very helpful.