Happy new year all fellow cartographers.

During the last year I have barely been active here at the guild, slowly creeping back into dwelling status, mainly due to focusing on other work. I have however followed the post here at the forum, and I have to say how inspirational both new and old members progress has been during 2018. Great thanks to everyone for sharing all their work and bringing all that inspiration!

During 2019 I aim to spend more time mapping and also hope that I can be more active here and bring some inspiration back to all my fellow mapmakers. Recently I updated my website, where you can see some of my old and new work. During 2018 I have spent a lot of time working with visual historical representations, for a larger project that I hope to share more about soon (and also took a masters degree in history). On my website you can get a glimpse of some of that work.


Happy new year everyone: looking forward to see some amazing maps this year!
