Some friends and I are going to start a new Ars Magica campaign soon, for which we will take over the old castle of a previous campaign.
I got the basic layout for it by another player and started to create a 3D model in Sketchup. It has been a while since I worked on it though, and in the meantime I have pretty much forgotten all about Sketchup, though. So this might never get finished, but I'm planning on making a drawn map of it at least.

But I wanted to share it at least:

Lux Ex Tenebris GrundrissEG.jpg Lux Ex Tenebris 3D.jpg

On the left is the groundfloor, which I pulled up to make it. On the left you can see parts of the first floor. The tower in the middle is supposed to be the highest.

It was fun to create it, though also pretty tiresome and I bet I made lots of mistakes!