OK people, Warlin sent me a very complete, very detailed & challenging one.

A bit of background
Earth reboot.
The thermo-industrial civilization collapsed. What remains is a transhuman elite hidden behind bunker cities, enslaved by a all mighty AI and besieged by a vengeful Madmax-like mob.
Confronted to the imminent ecological danger threatening all life on Earth, the project Earth Reboot emerged in the AI awareness.
Facts :
- Planet Earth will be inhospitable near 2100.
- Energetic & moral incapacities to move humanity to another planet.
- Time travel possible for technical devices, not for living organisms.
AI answers :
- Development of a space technical complex including everything required for asteroid's belt mining & solar/fissile energies, a nanites production device, an helioperipheric time travel system.
- Choice of a terraforming of an Earth-Epoch by the nanites to create a germ of a civilzation composed by synthetised organisms in situ, with adaptation abilities and human consciousnesses downloaded from the AI.

And the commission proper :
Map the Earth Epoch selected (Cretaceous, around -100 MY) showing the new human civilization after about 100 years of terraforming.
Requirements :
- A regional map showing the main colonization site with infrastructures for settling, production, etc. The cartographer is free to decide if it's a success or a failure, unexpected events (geological accidents, oppositions between settlers...).
- An insert displaying a global map of the Earth Epoch with the main sites of colonization (choice of projection is free).
- a description of the natural resources and the situation of the colony, with a projection of its evolution (optimist or not, the more realistic possible).

Optional elements :
- A map of the solar system with the technical devices around the sun, in the asteroids belt.
- A structure plan of the helioperipheric base.

For the regional map, I chose the India zone at -105 MY here.
And I'm trying I've always wanted to : a kind of "holographic map" iso view like in avatar or other sci-fi movies.
A very start.
New Eden v1.jpg

Not sure of the very dark blue waters, though.