This is going to be the most awesome challenge ever!

So far I have not really dabbled with mapping buildings in any sort of detail, so aeshnidae's challenge to me this month has me well outside of my comfot zone. (I may have done the same sort of thing to her as well, but we shall see...) - this is the commission that she has given me.

I would love you to map the Staggered Goat tavern in the gritty mining village of Cheapside (village map linked below, but it was one of my very first maps so if you'd like to do a little inset with better village map, that would be awesome). The Staggered Goat has three levels - ground (main) floor, with the bar, fireplace, bare bones kitchen, and proprietor's quarters; a limited upstairs (not a full story) for a handful of guests; and a basement for betting on boxing/wrestling matches (or just brawls); the basement also has a small hidden storage room. There's an outhouse behind the tavern.

Black Bhoni is the proprietor of the Goat; she's a retired halfling assassin. She mostly serves the locally made Crag Rock Rye (rotgut whiskey) and cheap local beer, but she keeps some Grey Label whiskey (good stuff) and Julien's Reserve whiskey (really good stuff) in her personal quarters and will happily overcharge for those. Most of her money is made from the fights.

Top-down floor plan and map insert work for me. I really like your Drunkard's Side map style for an inset but if you'd prefer to do something different, go for it. If you could create a little sign for the Staggered Goat, that would be awesome, but not necessary. Everything else is totally up to you.

Cheapside (sm)[1029].jpg

So I get to make a sign, map a village and map a building in some detail. Phew, it's a good thing we have extra time this month.

I have started just planning the building layout first, toughly following the footpring to aeshnidae's map, although I have had to change the roof lines slightly (sorry!) I find Sketchup invaluable for this sort of planning...

### Latest WIP ###
staggered goat inn planning.JPG

The floor on the left is the basement, accessed by going down some steps outside and entering through a side door. In the middle is the ground floor - I added a small veranda, and on the right is the loft - not sure if I'll use the whole loft as it's only supposed to be able to accommodate a handful of guests....