I know what your thinking but no, this is not a land of peg legged pirates!

Ramah and I finally got to brass tacks and he provided a rough sketch of what I'm to tackle as well as some descriptive information.

I haven't started anything but here is the pertinent information...

The land is very terraced and I've added a bunch of ledges where the water can go over. Feel free to add more or move them or whatever to suit.

The climate can be whatever you like. I imagine quite a temperate one with grasslands between the ledges but I'm easy. The population is human.

The top corner of the map is where the edge of an evil, arid land can be seen on the other side of the mountains. This place needs to be visibly evil...

The red lines are the approximate borders of the land. The border at the top is a large cliff that runs from the mountains to the sea. The border on the left is the main river in that area.

The green are forests. Feel free to add more where you see fit or shift some if needed. But I'd like some to run along the base of most of the cliff border.

The orangey circles are towns. There are more that need adding so feel free to drop some in where you feel the land will support them. Any cargo that comes up and down the rivers will also need winding roads and maybe a few cargo lifts.

The land is very mineral rich and there are many mines, currently in use and abandoned. The stuff that comes out these mines and quarries is the major export of this land. Due to the high value of these wares there should be a strong military presence so obvious fortifications such as castles and towers etc. should be scattered around.

There will be various places of interest that will need marking such as stone circles, etc, These will follow later.

The map will require a border. How elaborate is up to you.

Lots to chew on. I'm deciding if I want to go for my typical top down looking map or something more akin to my Lost Blacklock mine piece. Hmm...decisions.
I'll start some scribbles as soon as I can.

Alright, so I'm officially in....yikes!