I'm working on a setting for a D&D game I'm DMing, and to help myself visualize the island the players are going to be on I decided to make a map. I'm a very novice mapmaker in general, and I'm still pretty new to GIMP, but I was hoping to get some feedback on my work. In particular, I'm trying to figure out where different biomes should be.

The island isn't continental-scale. It's something like 200 x 300 miles at its longest points (or 325 x 475 km). Climate-wise, I was going for something like Scotland. The island is dreary, rainy, and cold. Unless it doesn't make sense, I was thinking it would be mostly coniferous forest and bogs. The island lies to the north of the main continent, and its climate is influenced by a northern polar wind.

I haven't yet put much thought into the watershed or settlement placement.

Anyway, this is what I have so far:
Wywich WIP.png

This is what I started with for biome placement. It's very rough, and I'm not too sure how accurate it is.
Wywich WIP biomes winds.png
Would the forests and such go inland, with the bogs towards the coasts? Also, what kind of biome would the area to the west of the mountains be? I'm thinking something wet, since the mountains would be expected to catch much of the moisture that comes from the northern winds.

Anyway, please let me know what you think. Thanks!