Quote Originally Posted by arsheesh View Post
First off, kudos to you for attempting something as complicated as a birds eye one-point perspective city-scape in a challenge (especially when you are new to it). That takes courage. Having said that it doesn't look to me like all of your buildings make sense given the perspective. It may be too late to make any changes, but nevertheless perhaps this will observation will prove useful for future pieces. All of the green lines below represent buildings that share a common vanishing point. All of the red lines below represent buildings on alternate vanishing points. This shouldnl't occur in a one-point perspective piece, all of the vertical lines should intersect at the same point. Hope that was helpful.
That is super helpful, arsheesh, thank you! It's too late for this entry, since I'm barely going to finish it, but the feedback is much appreciated.

I did more things. I need to work on the mist.

### Latest WIP ###
Zombie Rooftops v9 (sm).jpg