Hello everyone,

I can't imagine what I may be doing wrong, but often when I make specific requests for a critique on a project, they go unanswered. Is this phenomenon common on the Guild? Are my maps uninteresting or poorly crafted? I'm not the superstitious type, but I heeded a friend's suggestion and decided to post on St. Patrick's Day, in hope for more promising feedback from the masters of the Guild. In particular, I am interested in knowing what I can focus on to make my maps more realistic and visually appealing.

Today's contribution is a follow-up to a rather ambitious plate tectonics conworld project, which I introduced a week or two ago in this section. This particular map represents just one of many continents on this so-far-unnamed planet. Here are my first results:

First Cont7.png

Then, for the final copy, I've enhanced the rivers and added lakes; however, as this is an altitude map, the deserts on the northwest coast haven't yet been rendered.


For those masters of the Guild, could you please critique this project?

I thank you immensely.
