Hi folks,

I've been pretty inactive on the forums lately as I've been over busy with regular work, moving house, renovating said house, having a sick baby at home (nothing dire), getting sick myself (I won't show pictures of my face ravaged by the chicken pox my baby girl gave me) and still recovering plus clients getting "shark-in-bloody-water" crazy. I've spend most of my free time mapping and will soon be able to show some here (I've already shown bits on social media) but in the meantime, here's a little one.

It's for an upcoming novel by author Judah Moscato named "The Lands of Lyrica". I do not know much about it besides it's a land with walled countries with a railroad circling the island and a volcano on the inner island. Judah approached me two weeks ago with a rough sketch and a demand for an A4 sepia map. I love sepia maps and working on a small map was a relief (I have several leviathans in the works and I do not like big maps) so I jumped in. I also used this map to finally use new mountains on a commission, I hope they look well enough.

Speaking of enough I'll stop chattering and show the map :

Jiito Island post.jpg

© Thomas Rey - 2019 - All rights reserved

To give you an idea, here's the sketch from the client :


As always, I'm interested in hearing your thoughts on this one. Cheers !